Our Network
Front Range Funeral Network can prearrange your funeral or cremation needs with our network of family-owned funeral homes in Colorado. What ever your choice, traditional funeral, cremation, water cremation, composting, burial options, memorialization or worldwide travel protection we have all the choices available.
When you prearrange with us a licensed prearrangement specialist will provide all the information you need to so you can make an informed decision and select a plan that meets all your needs.
Medicaid Spend Down
Front Range Funeral Network provides Medicaid Spend Down policies for funeral and cremation arrangements that comply with Medicaid Spend Down laws in Colorado.
All our partner funeral homes can assist you in taking care of this for you or a loved one. Our Prearrangement Specialist can walk you through all the steps to comply with Medicaid guidelines.
Life Insurance Funding
When you prearrange with our partner funeral homes you can rest assured that all your funds paid for your prearrangement are safe and sound in a life insurance policy that meets Colorado’s guidelines for trusting your funds until death occurs. We partner with the top-rated insurance companies in the country that provide special policies to fund funeral and cremation prearrangements.